Our Development Work

We here enhancing the inherent creative process to help children achieve their full potential and bring about therapeutic change


We here, regularly council parents and children giving a complete diagnosis and some knowledge of the child’s prospects which is easier than uncertainty.

Special Education

Consists of special instructional methodology, Remedial instruction that may include providing more practice or more explanation, repeating information, and devoting more time working on the skill.

Skill Development

We focus on skill development of these children. Providing opportunities to learn doing daily basic work, augmentative communication device or sign language. We also provide skill education that enables them to earn livelihood and enjoy life in dignity.

Sports Development

Sports and recreational activities play an important role in the development of these children. It helps learn and understand team work and strategies that would be useful in day to day life.

Rehabilitation Therapies

Cerebral palsy (CP), Traumatic brain injury (TBI), and Hypoxic Brain Injury due to any cause and affecting motor controlling parts of the brain,.

Occupational Training

Provides normal posture and independent functional activity. Make them learn to work with combination of physical and mental activity that the children can remember how to implement the task.

Cultural Development

We organize many events regularly that help these children learn about our culture and diversity.


It is motivational for children and is great for the mental health of all involved. Gives children the time to play and explore in the soil incorporating play and gross motor skills.